Monday, November 17, 2014

So Much Going On With Our Artists!

Last Thursday we kicked off our weekly Open Studio. The cold weather may have kept the masses away but we had a great time setting up, seeing more of each other's artwork, and getting to know each other a little more. Please come visit us any Thursday between 5PM - 8PM. You will find some great artwork on display and lots of stuff available for purchase that would make great Christmas gifts.

To get an idea of what you might find on a Thursday evening take a look at Sabrina has just launched her website and there is some beautiful work on display here. Be sure to click on the 'full screen' arrows to get a better view of these gorgeous pieces. It's easy to see on the screen that there is great depth to her work, but to fully appreciate it you will want to come by the studio and see the texture of her pieces. Her body of work clearly shows she has always had talent but it is also fun to see the evolution of her work over the years as many of the pieces are labeled with the year of creation. I had a hard time picking a favorite but for now I think I like "Discernment 2011" ...if I had to pick.

Another one of our hard working artists has had quite the schedule lately. Jake Buntjer does found object sculpture. And he does it well. He is a modest guy but I get the feeling he may be in demand. November 7th found him in Las Vegas at the First Friday Art Walk. November 14th found him displaying work for an open house at C.G. Sparks in Salt Lake City. His display outside his studio space is always changing so be sure to come see what he has out on Thursday nights.

Our weekly Thursday evening open house would not be possible without Pam Alvarez. She may not have her own space at Provo Studio but she is the driving force behind our coming together and getting things done. She is the one who got the weekly open space idea rolling and then organized the physical space to display the artwork. She also has some really cool handmade ceramic pendants on display that need to be held in your hand to fully appreciate. Her husband Salvador Alvarez is likely our most prolific and experienced artist. He has probably created more art than all the rest of us combined. Many of his beautiful paintings are on display Thursday evenings along with matching greeting cards.

You'll also want to check out Amber Alvarez too. Even though she was destined to become an artist with her pedigree, she has carved out her own space in the world of art doing graphic design and children's book illustrations. Take a look at to see what she has been up to and come visit on Thursday to see her and her art in person.

1 comment:

  1. And although Robert Bradshaw, photographer extraordinaire is not tooting his own horn, he should be. Besides his writing talents, you can find him @
